

So I was reading my bible this morning and the verse that struck me was Proverbs 11:22 (Like a gold ring in a pig's snout, is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion).

It's kind of a huge waste when you stick a precious gold ring on a pig's nose.. a nasty animal that burrows its nose in the muck all day! Solomon says that it's the kind of waste when a beautiful woman shows no discretion. When I read this verse, I was reminded of the hot, gorgeous girls in Hollywood. The majority of them are oh so beautiful but.. it's wasted on their "yucky" behavior.

Society demands a lot from girls: have the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect face, don't be too feminine but not too masculine, find the perfect guy, etc. It is definintely tough to do all that and be wise/discreet in the way you live. But if we aren't discreet and live like the world being pretty and all, it's a wasted life.. agreed?

God, like the world, also sets high standards for women. However, He sets standards that will make a woman beautiful from the inside out. He wants women to have noble character and to worry more about having the right attitute towards God instead of having the perfect clothes, hair, and body.

I think women that obey God's standards will have the beauty that will last a lifetime. Women that worry about their face, body, and hair.. well let's face it, that beauty won't last very long.

So yeap, that's just my thought of the day. This verse has been stuck in my head for the past couple days (it took me awhile to finish this post). I've been pondering and thinking about what this verse really means. Physical beauty, while it is important, is not as important as what is on the inside. Most guys will admit that they'd much rather have a girl with a beautiful personality than a gorgeous girl with no beauty on the inside at all.

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