
New Baby!

About 2 weeks ago, Harlen and I added a new member to our soon to be family! His name is Panda and he is a Maltese/Shih Tzu mix. Panda is 10 weeks old and what a BABY he is! He's constantly making us laugh with all the silly things that he does like going nuts to eat his tail, trying to scare his reflection in the mirror away by barking at it, and so many other funny things!

See why we named him Panda?

He's perfectly happy just sitting in our laps!

He was so tiny when we got him!

Loves to sleeeeep......

First Family Picture!

Apart from the puppy that is keeping the both of us busy round the clock, Harlen and I have been super busy! I've been with Abercrombie & Fitch for a little more than a month now and am still lovin' it! I couldn't have been blessed with a better job.

Harlen started his new part time job on Monday at Discount Tire. He says it's tiring but he's enjoying it. He gets this little portable tool kit thingie and I'm jealous. On top of working about 28 hours a week, Harlen is also taking a summer class which is about 3 and a half hours a day! Yikes.

God really has His hand on our lives and has blessed us tremendously! We're both praying that the rest of the month will go by smoothly and the wedding will be an awesome day to remember. Ok, Panda is up from his nap now.. gotta go make him pee and poo! Seriously, having a puppy is such good training for a real baby!


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